…and the Hope of Arrogance

Suppose that we have failed to love ourselves sufficiently.  Suppose that in place of the absurd humility of those who deny the value of truth we were to declare to the outraged world that we, even we, can know truth.  Indeed, let us audaciously insist that we are called to it, made for it, and that it lingers just beyond our fingertips not as a tease or pretense, but as a promise.  This soul, this mind, this bold and clumsy thinker is bound there, driven there, invited, lured, summoned.  Embrace the arrogance of the knower of truth, though yet as one not quite there, and what to we find?  That we, in our arrogance, discover that which is greater than ourselves.  For great as we are, as knowers of truth, still the Truth itself is greater.  And so our arrogance leads us to worship Him.  This is the hope of our arrogance, so different from the unchallengeable egoism of post-modern humility.

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